Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pre-Reunion Thoughts

Judy and I have all the reservations we need for our trip to Durham in August.  We have the flights.  We have signed up with an AirBnB site in Exeter to stay.  I have to reserve a car, but that is easy (but not cheap).  I guess we are all set.

Our agenda is being worked out.

Travel on Thursday, Aug 1.

Friday morning is open, hopefully for a visit to see Kelly White Low in Guilford.  She doesn't respond to our email requests for an audience with Her Holiness, so I can't say that things are set, but hopefully things will fall into place.  Friday night is for our first Reunion Get Together, so we get to see how old we all look and how fat we have all become.  Wonderful.

Saturday is for some sort of group outing during the day, then a dinner in Durham, and dancing, etc.  Renew old flames?  Not likely.  Reconnect with old friends?  I do that on FB now.  Make friends with people you didn't know during high school?  Very likely.  Actually, people everywhere are very nice and worth knowing.  Take a cruise and you will meet people just like you from all over the place and they are all just wonderful, even if their politics are very different from yours.  People with whom you went to high school are very likely to share your values, so it is even more likely that you will like them, and they will like you.

Sunday is for the feel good final meetings.  We have an open morning, then a picnic planned for early afternoon.  Juruf and I will have to duck out a little early as our flight is at 5:30 from Logan, to get home at 9:30.  I hope this will be a simple meeting with lots of feel good goodbyes.

So, what are my conclusions?

Is this an obligation? Sort of.  I liked my time in NH, and re-living some part of that is good.  I love that Judy and my marriage is the longest of those that are attending.  There is one girl from our class that got married in her Senior Year, and they are still married as far as I know, but they are not attending.

Am I looking forward to attending?  Not really.  I think it will be OK, but not great.   I would love to be  surprised at how nice it will be.

Let's go.   I am ready.  I am who I am, and they are who they are.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Haven't you learned how to spell Gilford yet? I will find a way to contact Kelley - the miracles of the internet. I want to see the house at the lake in its new form. And a meal at Newick's. And the way it smells and feels different in summer there than anywhere else I've been. Am I excited about going? Excited isn't quite the right word. Curious, interested, hopeful. Haven't connected with h.s. folks at all since leaving, excepting our wedding's best man who has other schedule obligations then. But have done some reconnections via FB and they are pleasant so I want to see those folks for real again. As you said, we've all grown and changed over these 40 years and it should be a nice, though small, event. I want to be glad to say we went and that it turned out happily.
